
A Simple Guide to Improving Conversion Rates for Your Online Business

A Simple Guide to Improving Conversion Rates for Your Online Business

Online conversion rateWant to maximize the conversion rate for your online business? Check out this simple, but effective guide on improving conversion rates and boosting sales.

If you’re running an online business, you know that conversion rates are the life-blood of your business. Without high conversion rates, you have no sales. We don’t have to explain what no sales mean for your business…

So what’s the key to improving conversion rates and boosting your online sales? Here’s a simple guide to get you started.

Make the First Step Simple

Improving conversion rates starts with appealing to the customers’ desires for ease. The easier you make the first step to conversion, the more likely customers are to complete it. That means, start with something basic like getting their email address.

This way, even if the customer doesn’t go through the entire process at the moment, you still have a solid way of reaching out.

After that initial step of getting an email address, you can request any further information.

Another important aspect of making things simple for customers is to eliminate unnecessary fields. Too many potential clients are turned away because signing up for something has too many required fields.

Only include requests for information that is absolutely essential to conversion. Just make sure every required field gets you the information your sales team needs to follow up and make the sale.

The best way to acquire emails from potentially interested customers is to offer something related and of value. One example would be a coupon for a discount on their first order. Another might be an informational packet such as a pdf brochure or other information. Signing up for an ongoing newsletter can also be useful.

Include Customer Testimonials

It can be frightening to be the first customer to try a new product or service. Customers like to feel confident that what they are signing up for is a good investment.

This is why including customer testimonials or reviews on your website is an effective way to drive conversions.

Getting your site reviewed on Yelp or by Google Reviews is another good method as it’s a place for candid reviews. Customers are less likely to feel that you simply picked out the best reviews and placed them on your site if you use these channels.

However, this means, you need to have a robust customer service strategy in place to address any negative reviews. Still, even negative reviews can help your conversion rate if you show customers that you hear them and resolve problems.

Simply respond to all negative reviews online and offer solutions for customers. After all, we live in a day and age when “transparency” is vital to customers.

To acquire reviews from customers generally requires you to follow up by email one an order has been completed with requests for the customer to place a  review and a navigation guide on how to get where they need to go and place the review such as a link to the appropriate place on your website. If you have an online eCommerce business your eCommerce solution should offer a method to capture and display reviews. If it does not, we can help.

Add a Site Pop-Up

We’ve all been to sites where the pop-ups are immediate and hard to close out of. These annoying pop-up strategies will do nothing but drive customers away.

However, with the right kind of pop-up, and the right timing, they can be a great asset to your conversion strategy.

According to a study conducted by Sumo, only about 3% of conversions come through pop-ups. But, if you add a 30-second timer and delay the pop-up, you’re customers won’t feel attacked.

Take it a step further and include cookies on your site so the pop-up only appears once per customer. With this strategy and a well-designed pop-up, your conversion rate can rise from 3% to nearly 9.3%.

Begin Improving Conversion Rates Today

Improving conversion rates is a sure-fire way to boost business sales. But the steps to doing so don’t stop here, far from it. Have good quantifiable tracking in place such as the free Google analytics. Knowing how to understand and use the data provided by analytics is indispensable to help you grow a business.

If you’re serious about boosting sales, seek professional help from Internet Marketing professionals with proven success. Learn more about Adtastic today and see how we can help you develop the best online marketing strategy for your business.

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