Tag: internet marketing

Internet Marketing

Promoting a new website organically

This is a checklist of strategies we came up with recently for a new website in a niche of womens plus-sized fashion clothing, however the information can be applied to a great extent for just about any type of website. Promoting a new website organically, especially in a niche such as fashionable clothing for plus-sized […]

Internet Marketing

3 kinds of Internet marketing customers (continued)

In our previous post (3 Kinds of Internet Marketing Customers)we talked about customer A and how they will likely not succeed at their Internet marketing unless they become more like customer B or C. In this post we will talk about customer B. Customer B recognizes that having a website isn’t about “Build it and […]

Generally Speaking

The biggest reason for lack of success on the Internet

Our company has been doing what we do for long enough that we can see the reasons for the small businesses with a successful website and the ones without a successful website. And we are not talking about whether you are “getting rich” or not getting rich from your Internet venture. Basically, we are only […]